Yuma Truck Accident Lawyers

In crashes involving large commercial trucks, occupants in smaller vehicles are much more likely to sustain serious injuries or fatalities compared to the truck driver. The unfortunate reality is that seek compensation for injuries and losses from big rig crashes is significantly more complex than for accidents between two passenger cars. Trucking companies and their insurance carriers often aggressively fight to avoid payouts, even when it is clear that the injured party deserves compensation for their medical bills, lost earnings, and other damages.

Our Yuma truck accident attorneys understand the inner workings of the trucking industry and the legal obligations that these entities must follow.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Losses from a Big Rig Crash in AZ?

After a semi-truck collision, you will need an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle your Yuma truck accident case. Your attorney will work to identify and prove who was at fault for the crash and identify the negligent parties, which may involve one or multiple individuals or entities:

  • Truck Driver: The driver may have been impaired, reckless, or negligent while operating the large commercial truck.
  • Trucking Company: The trucking company may be held accountable if they failed to maintain their vehicles or neglected to conduct proper background checks on the drivers they employ.
  • Loading Companies: A third-party loading company may be held liable for losses if an uneven or improperly secured load causes a rollover, jackknife, or other type of accident.
  • Truck Manufacturer: A products liability claim may be filed against the company that produced the commercial truck for unsafe design or a faulty vehicle part that caused or contributed to a crash.
  • Government: Aside from the other parties, the public agency in charge of the road may be held accountable for a road defect or unsafe roadway design.

After determining which party or parties are responsible, the next step involves reviewing and assessing the relevant insurance coverage to ensure appropriate coverage is provided. To learn more, reach out to us by phone or submit an online contact form to schedule your free case review.

Preserving Evidence from a Semi-Truck Collision

A critical aspect of the legal process is to gather evidence from relevant parties immediately before it is lost or inaccessible. This may involve sending a letter of preservation of evidence to ensure that the other side preserves important records and grants access to the damaged 18-wheeler. Your attorney will work to gather key evidence for your Yuma truck accident case, including:

  • Hours of Service (HOS) Logs: These are required for all truck drivers and may reveal if HOS violations or driver fatigue contributed to the incident.
  • Personnel Records: The truck driver’s personnel records, including licensing, work hours, employment history, and any performance or alcohol testing.
  • Event Data Recorder (EDR): The big rig and its EDR, which logs critical data from just before and after an accident, such as diagnostic warnings, steering angle, brake status, and vehicle speed.
  • Surveillance Video: Surveillance footage from security or traffic cameras may have potentially captured the 18-wheeler before and after the crash.
  • Cellphone Records: The truck driver’s cellphone records may be used to determine if distracted driving played a role in the wreck.
  • Recall Databases: Information from recall databases may suggest a defect in the big rig or its components that may have been ignored by the trucking company.
  • Truck Maintenance Records: Documents of maintenance performed on the truck may highlight any mechanical issues or neglected repairs that may have contributed as a factor to the incident.

In some cases, an attorney may consult an accident reconstruction expert who can apply advanced forensic methods in determining the cause of the incident and prepare detailed reports. These experts typically hold advanced degrees in engineering or a related field, along with specialized training in reconstruction methodologies and accident investigation techniques.

Recoverable Losses in a Personal Injury Claim for a Big Rig Crash

To establish the compensation owed for injuries and losses from a semi-truck collision, an experienced personal injury lawyer will gather medical records and consult with experts to outline future damages. An attorney can handle all applicable insurance claims and seek the maximum compensation you are entitled to, including:

  • Past medical costs, such as hospitalization, emergency care, medications, surgery, diagnostic tests,
  • Future medical costs for anticipated treatments, home modifications required by serious injuries, assistive devices such as wheelchairs, in-home care, and surgical recommendations.
  • Lost earnings for wage loss during recovery, including time for medical appointments and rehabilitation.
  • Future income loss if crash-related injuries reduce your earning capacity and affect your ability to work.
  • Pain and suffering for loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, physical pain.

After an 18-wheeler wreck, the insurance company representing the trucking company may offer a quick and low settlement offer. Such offers may be based on past cases rather than your unique situation. Before speaking to an insurance adjuster or signing any paperwork, consult with an experienced truck accident attorney in Yuma.

What to Do if a Relative is Killed in an 18-Wheeler Collision

If a close family member has suffered fatal injuries in a crash involving a large commercial truck, you may have grounds for a wrongful death claim against the at-fault party or parties. Although compensation cannot replace a loved one, it can assist surviving family members in addressing some of the financial hardships associated with such tragedies. This may include loss of income, funeral expenses, and compensation for guidance, care, and emotional support that the decedent provided. For more details, contact an experienced truck accident attorney serving Yuma, AZ.

How an Arizona Trucking Accident Attorney Can Help You

Having an experienced attorney is crucial because their expertise in the trucking industry allows them to navigate complex regulations, identify liable parties, and seek compensation for their client. It is important to note that trucking collisions, particularly those involving dump trucks, semis, and tractor-trailers, differ from passenger vehicle accidents in that:

  • The trucking industry is governed by overlapping local, state, and federal laws.
  • Many personal injury and wrongful death cases for big rig crashes involve multiple defendants with the resources to dispute liability and damages.
  • The significant size disparity between 18-wheelers and passenger cars often leads to traumatic injuries or even death for motor vehicle occupants.

Selecting a personal injury lawyer with a proven track record in handling challenging commercial truck accident cases is important. At Southwest Injury Law, we have the resources, knowledge, and experience to take on major trucking companies and difficult insurance companies. Call our office or message us online to get started today.

Contact a Yuma Truck Accident Attorney Today

Do not face a large trucking company and their insurance carriers alone. Allow our legal team at Southwest Injury Law to advocate for you. Set up a free consultation with our experienced Yuma truck accident attorneys at (602) 777-3300. We will review your case and discuss all your options. If you have lost a loved one in a semi-truck collision in Yuma, our attorneys can guide you through your options for filing a wrongful death claim in Arizona. Assistance is just a phone call away, and there is no charge for our services unless we successfully recover compensation for you.

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If you have been hurt in a car accident, Southwest Injury Law is the best personal injury law firm in Nevada and Arizona. Get off the phone with insurance adjusters and focus on healing. Leave the legal work to Southwest Injury Law, your trusted Personal Injury Lawyers In Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, and surrounding areas.