Tucson Bone Fracture Lawyers

While bones of the human body are able to withstand significant pressure, they may still break or fracture under excessive force. Fractures may range from minor hairline cracks to severe compound fractures, where the bone punctures the skin. These injuries may be painful, costly, and even lead to long-term disability. If you have suffered an orthopedic injury in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, you should not have to deal with the financial hardship alone. The best way to protect your rights is to seek legal representation as soon as possible.

Contact the skilled Tucson bone fracture attorneys at Southwest Injury Law for your free consultation today to learn about your options moving forward.

What are the Common Types of Broken Bone Injuries?

Fractures are categorized based on their severity, recovery, and overall prognosis. The extent of the broken bone will largely depend on the force of impact and the individual’s physical condition. For instance, an elderly individual is more susceptible to serious fractures due to their bones being more fragile. Below are some of the most frequently seen types of bone fractures:

  • Facial Fractures: These may occur from striking the dashboard, steering wheel, or from flying debris during a motor vehicle crash.
  • Rib Fractures: The ribs may break due to the impact of the steering wheel or from seatbelt pressure, often leading to complications such as internal trauma, punctured lungs, or difficulty breathing.
  • Pelvic Fractures: These may occur from direct trauma during a traffic collision, especially in side-impact crashes.
  • Femur Fractures: The femur, or thigh bone, is one of the strongest bones in the human body, but it can break in serious accidents, particularly in head-on collisions.
  • Wrist Fractures: These are common when a motor vehicle occupant braces for impact, leading to fractures in the ulna or radius.
  • Humerus Fractures: Fractures of the humerus or upper arm bone may result from the force of airbag deployment or from hitting the steering wheel.
  • Clavicle Fractures: Also known as broken collarbones, this type of fracture occurs from a direct impact during a car wreck.

If you have experienced a broken bone due to a motor vehicle crash or a slip and fall accident, it is important to seek immediate medical attention and report the incident to officials. Once this has been done, consult with a Tucson fracture lawyer to discuss your case and learn about your rights and options for recovery. Our law firm offers free case evaluations at your convenience.

Signs of Broken Bones After an Accident

Regardless of the severity of the injury, it is important to seek medical treatment if you suspect a fracture. Broken bones may result from blunt force trauma, slip and falls, and motor vehicle collisions. Common symptoms of a broken bone include:

  • Difficulty walking
  • Bleeding, bruising, or swelling
  • An open wound with bone protruding
  • Intense pain, whether or not pressure is applied to the area

A bodily injury claim for an accident may help you recover compensation for medical bills, wage loss, and other damages. This will be based on the facts and circumstances of the case. To discuss your situation, contact our legal team for a free case evaluation.

What Can You Recover in a Bodily Injury Claim for a Bone Fracture?

After an accident that causes traumatic injuries, such as broken bones, it can take time to fully grasp the extent of your damages. This is why you should be cautious of quick settlement offers from insurers when you do not have legal representation, as they often do not reflect the true value of your injuries and losses. As our legal team builds your Tucson bone fracture case, we will account for the following economic and non-economic damages:

  • Medical Bills: This includes current costs, such as ambulance rides, hospitalization, surgery, medications, primary care visits, trauma counseling, and physical therapy.
  • Future Medical Expenses: Anticipated medical care, such as long-term care, ongoing rehabilitation, medication, assistive devices, and future surgeries may also need to be covered.
  • Lost Wages: Compensation for earnings lost due to missing work during recovery, including time off work for medical appointments that are relevant to the incident.
  • Future Lost Income: If your injury impacts your earning potential, this may include projected losses, factoring in salary, promotions, benefits, and potential raises.
  • Pain and Suffering: You may seek damages for the loss of enjoyment, lifestyle disruption, emotional distress, and physical pain caused by crash-related injuries.
  • Property Damage: Compensation for any personal property damage, including a vehicle replacement or repair after a crash.

While some of these losses may be estimated quickly, others may require a thorough evaluation. At Southwest Injury Law, our goal is to secure the full compensation our clients deserve. If we cannot reach a mutual agreement with the insurance company, we are prepared to take the case to court to obtain a favorable outcome on behalf of our client. For information about our services and how we can assist, schedule your free consultation with our Tucson bone fracture attorneys today.

Why Should You Contact a Lawyer for a Tucson

Having an experienced personal injury attorney is important after suffering a bone fracture in an accident in Tucson, Arizona. Insurance companies and opposing parties often use various defense tactics to avoid paying what they owe. They may attempt to argue that the injured party is responsible for the incident or assert that the reported injuries are unrelated to the crash. Working with a lawyer who understands these common tactics and has the resources to build a strong case will significantly improve your chances of a favorable result. Your attorney will:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation of the incident to identify liable parties and collect evidence to support your claim before the evidence is altered or destroyed.
  • Compile a comprehensive assessment of the compensation you deserve, covering both economic and non-economic damages.
  • Consult with you, along with colleagues, friends, and family, to build a comprehensive understanding of the pain and suffering caused by your orthopedic injury.
  • Work with experts, such as economists and life care planners, to create detailed projections of diminished earning potential and future medical needs in cases of permanent injury or disability.
  • Submit all relevant insurance claims, engage in settlement negotiations with insurers, and file lawsuits if insurance carriers fail to offer adequate compensation.

If you have suffered an orthopedic injury in an accident, an insurance company may attempt to get you to sign away your rights before consulting a knowledgeable Tucson fracture attorney. Avoid making any statements or agreeing to any terms without first reaching out to an experienced personal injury lawyer. At Southwest Injury Law, we will review any case at no cost and help you understand what to expect from the legal process. Call or submit an online contact form today for a free case review.

Contact a Tucson Broken Bones Attorney for a Free Consultation

At Southwest Injury Law, our legal team is prepared to offer you experienced and skilled representation throughout your case. Our Tucson bone fracture attorneys are dedicated to helping clients seek the compensation they deserve after being injured by someone's negligence. Reach out to us today at (602) 777-3300 to schedule a free consultation. It is important to discuss your case with an experienced lawyer immediately as Arizona limits the amount of time an injured party has to seek compensation for damages.

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If you have been hurt in a car accident, Southwest Injury Law is the best personal injury law firm in Nevada and Arizona. Get off the phone with insurance adjusters and focus on healing. Leave the legal work to Southwest Injury Law, your trusted Personal Injury Lawyers In Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, and surrounding areas.