Tempe Bicycle Accident Lawyers

Cycling crashes often lead to serious injuries for bicyclists, as they are entirely vulnerable and have minimal protection when struck by a motor vehicle. These injuries may range from traumatic brain injuries and broken bones to internal trauma and spinal cord injuries, often requiring extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. The path to recovery may involve difficult insurance companies, making it important for injured bicyclists to seek legal counsel to protect their rights and interests.

If you need a skilled Tempe bicycle accident attorney, our legal team at Southwest Injury Law is well-versed in handling complex cases across Arizona.

Common Types of Injuries from Cycling Crashes

When a cyclist is involved in a traffic collision, their body often collides with the motor vehicle or the road surface with significant force. Common bike injuries include:

  • Bone fractures, especially to the extremities when bracing for impact
  • Serious internal trauma due to the force of the motor vehicle collision
  • Traumatic brain injuries, especially when bicycle helmets are not worn
  • Spinal cord injuries, potentially leading to partial or complete paralysis in some cases
  • Amputated or crushed limbs, particularly if the bicyclist is run over by the vehicle after the initial impact
  • Deep lacerations that may result in severe scarring and require plastic surgery to minimize the appearance of scars

While some bicycle-related injuries may heal over time, many result in long-term disabilities, requiring ongoing medical treatment and rehabilitation.

Who Can Be Held Responsible for a Car-Bicycle Accident?

Common parties who may be held liable for injuries and losses resulting from a car-bicycle wreck may include:

  • Drivers: Motorists are required to share the road with cyclists. While the extent of this duty depends on road conditions, drivers who fail to yield during turns or at intersections, drive aggressively, and overtake cyclists too closely may be responsible for the bicyclist’s damages.
  • Government Entity: Local and state governments have a duty to design and maintain safe roadways. Inadequate maintenance or poor road design may pose specific dangers to bicyclists, potentially leading to liability for public agencies.
  • Commercial Vehicle Operators: When drivers operate vehicles owned by their employer, that entity may share liability for the motorist’s actions. For instance, a trucking company may be held liable if a bicyclist is injured in a crash with a big rig operated by an employee.
  • Bike Manufacturers: If a cyclist’s injuries are caused by faulty bicycle equipment, such as malfunctioning bicycle gear or a faulty helmet, the manufacturer may be held responsible for damages through a products liability claim.

What Losses Can Be Recovered in an Injury Case?

In a personal injury claim for a vehicle-bicycle collision, the injured party may be entitled to recover a wide array of economic and non-economic damages, including:

  • Medical bills for current and future treatment related to the injuries suffered in the crash
  • Wage loss if the injury temporarily or permanently prevents the injured party from working
  • Pain and suffering for the pain and distress caused by bicycle-related injuries, such as anxiety
  • Property damage covers the cost to repair or replace the damaged bicycle and any personal belongings that were damaged in the collision, such as a bike helmet

Each case is unique, and the specific losses that can be recovered will depend on the circumstances of the incident and the injuries sustained.

What if the Driver Fled the Scene of the Tempe Bike Crash?

Uninsured motorist (UM) coverage may provide protection for injuries and damages from a hit-and-run bicycle collision. In Arizona, this type of coverage is optional, so it is important to review your auto insurance policy to see if you have it. If you were injured in a bike crash and do not have car insurance but a family member in your household has UM protection, it is possible to file a claim under that policy. For more information, contact an experienced bicycle accident attorney in Tempe who can assist you in exploring possible avenues for financial recovery.

How Soon Should You Contact a Lawyer After a Bicycle Accident?

A knowledgeable injury attorney needs sufficient time to investigate the causes of a vehicle-bicycle collision and identify potentially liable parties. Delaying the investigation may risk losing critical evidence, which may be altered or destroyed, and witness recollections may fade over time. The best way to investigate a cycling crash is to begin as soon as possible by hiring an attorney. Keep in mind that insurance companies will not hesitate to start their investigations, but rather than seeking the truth, they often aim to reduce their liability. The sooner you contact a lawyer to protect your rights, the better.

Is There a Deadline on Injury Claims for Cycling Crashes?

Following a vehicle-bicycle collision, you face an immediate deadline known as the statute of limitations. In Arizona, the general statute of limitations is two years from the date of the incident. For minor children, the time limit starts when they turn 18 and from that date, they have two years to file a lawsuit or settle with the opposing party. If the accident was caused by a government entity, the time limit is much shorter. In cases against a public agency, the time limit to file a notice of claim is six months or 180 days. For more information, call or message us online for a free case review.

How Our Law Firm Can Assist with Your Bicycle Injury Case

Navigating the personal injury claims process is often challenging. In Arizona, which operates under a fault-based system, it must be proven that injuries and losses were caused by another party’s negligence to receive any compensation. Having a skilled Tempe bike accident lawyer by your side during the legal process is important to protect your rights and interests. When you choose Southwest Injury Law to represent you, we will:

  • Ensure you fully understand your legal rights
  • Provide personalized attention and support throughout every step of the process
  • Conduct an in-depth investigation to gather important evidence for your bike injury case
  • Consult with experts as needed, such as an accident reconstruction specialist or economist
  • Negotiate with the insurance company to secure a fair and reasonable settlement that addresses current and future needs
  • Protect your rights in court if the settlement offer from the insurance company falls short of what is needed to make you whole again

At Southwest Injury Law, our experienced Tempe bicycle accident attorneys are committed to helping injured parties achieve justice. If you are unsure whether hiring a bicycle accident attorney in Tempe is the right choice, contact us today. We offer free consultations so you can explore your options without any obligation. Our law office operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only get paid if we obtain a successful resolution in your case.

Consult With a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Tempe, AZ

If you have been injured in a cycling crash and need assistance, do not wait. Understand your rights after a cycling crash by scheduling a free consultation with our experienced Tempe bicycle accident attorneys at (602) 777-3300. You can rest assured knowing you will not be charged any fees unless we successfully resolve your bike injury case. Our goal is to assist members of our community seek justice and secure maximum compensation for their injuries and losses. We are proud to serve clients across the state of Arizona.

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If you have been hurt in a car accident, Southwest Injury Law is the best personal injury law firm in Nevada and Arizona. Get off the phone with insurance adjusters and focus on healing. Leave the legal work to Southwest Injury Law, your trusted Personal Injury Lawyers In Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, and surrounding areas.