Scottsdale Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Despite safety measures such as crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signs, pedestrian accidents still happen far too often. Without the protection a vehicle offers, pedestrians are vulnerable to severe and potentially life-threatening injuries. When these crashes result from a driver's reckless behavior or carelessness, the injured party may have the right to seek justice and financial compensation for their losses.

Message us online or call (602) 777-3300 to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced pedestrian accident attorney serving Scottsdale and surrounding areas.

Where Do Most Vehicle-Pedestrian Collisions Occur?

An injured pedestrian may have grounds for a personal injury claim if driver negligence played a role in causing the incident. This is often the case in areas where pedestrians tend to be present, requiring motorists to exercise extra caution to prevent harm to those traveling on foot. Vehicle versus pedestrian collisions often occur at:

  • Crosswalks and intersections
  • Road shoulders and on sidewalks
  • Gas stations and shopping centers
  • Garage structures and in parking lots
  • Transit system platforms or bus stops

If you or a loved one was injured in one of these areas and believe the driver was at fault, reach out to our experienced Scottsdale pedestrian accident attorneys. Our legal team is prepared to evaluate your potential case, assess whether driver negligence played a role, and start building a personal injury claim that addresses your needs after the incident.

Common Injuries in Car Versus Pedestrian Crashes

Vehicle-pedestrian collisions often lead to a wide array of injuries due to the lack of protection individuals have when struck by motor vehicles. Common pedestrian injuries include:

  • Head Injuries: Pedestrians are at risk for head trauma if they are propelled several feet by the force of an oncoming car or when they make contact with the pavement or another object, which can have lasting effects.
  • Fractures and Broken Bones: The force of impact may result in broken bones and fractures, often requiring extensive medical care and recovery time.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Serious crashes may cause damage to the spinal cord, resulting in partial or complete paralysis or other conditions.
  • Internal Trauma: Collisions may cause injuries that may not be immediately noticeable, such as internal bleeding and organ damage.

At Southwest Injury Law, our legal team is well-versed in pedestrian accidents and Arizona’s liability system. To learn more, schedule your free consultation by phone or through an online contact form today.

How is Fault Proven?

Arizona operates under a fault-based system for determining liability in motor vehicle collisions. This means the individual who caused the incident is responsible for compensating the injured parties. To receive compensation, an injured person must demonstrate that the other party acted negligently, and that this negligence directly led to the pedestrian accident and the resulting injuries. Evidence to support a personal injury claim may include the police report, medical records, notarized eyewitness statements, expert witness testimony, and more.

Importance of Immediate Treatment After a Pedestrian Accident

Getting medical attention immediately after a crash is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it allows you to start receiving treatment for any injuries you may have suffered, facilitating your recovery process. Additionally, obtaining medical records will provide documentation that can support your personal injury case. These records serve as evidence that your injuries were a direct result of the collision rather than a pre-existing condition, thereby strengthening your position against any potential defenses raised by the insurance company.

Consistency in medical treatment is essential for not only your recovery but also for the value of your personal injury case. If there are gaps in treatment, insurance carriers may use this to dispute the severity of injuries or argue that they are not related to the incident. Claims adjusters may argue that the lack of ongoing care indicates that the injuries are less serious than reported or that the injured party has not been compliant with treatment recommendations. For more details, reach out to an experienced pedestrian injury lawyer in Scottsdale, Arizona.

What is Comparative Fault and How Can it Affect an Injury Claim?

Arizona adheres to a comparative fault principle, meaning that an injured person may still obtain compensation even if they share some responsibility for the incident. However, their compensation will be reduced by their percentage of negligence. For instance, if an injured pedestrian is deemed 20 percent at fault, their compensation will be reduced by that same percentage. Consulting with an experienced Scottsdale pedestrian accident attorney is important to ensure an accurate assessment of liability and to secure the maximum compensation you deserve.

What Happens if a Pedestrian is Injured in a Hit-and-Run Crash?

In hit-and-run accident cases, the injured pedestrian may have options for recovery through their car insurance policy. If they have uninsured motorist coverage, it may provide compensation for injuries and losses resulting from the hit-and-run. It is crucial for the injured party to gather any available evidence, such as eyewitness statements or surveillance footage, and to report the incident to the police as soon as possible. Consulting with an experienced Scottsdale pedestrian injury lawyer can also be helpful in navigating the complexities of the legal process.

What Damages Can Be Recovered in a Claim for a Pedestrian Accident?

When filing a bodily injury claim for a vehicle-pedestrian collision, it is important to know the types of recoverable losses, which may include the following economic and non-economic damages:

  • Medical Bills: An injured pedestrian may be entitled to reimbursement of past and future medical expenses, including hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation, and long-term care.
  • Lost Wages: If the pedestrian missed work due to the incident and for relevant medical appointments, they may be compensated for wage loss.
  • Diminished Earning Potential: If the injuries are permanent and result in the reduced ability to work, loss of future earnings may be recovered.
  • Pain and Suffering: Damages for pain and suffering consider the emotional distress and physical pain caused by the incident and the associated injuries.
  • Property Damage: An injured pedestrian may be entitled to the repair or replacement of damaged personal items such as clothing, prescription glasses, shoes, and more.
  • Wrongful Death Damages: If a pedestrian fatality occurs, surviving family members may seek compensation for damages associated with the unexpected loss of life. This may include loss of financial support, funeral expenses, and the emotional impact of losing a loved one.

Consulting with an experienced pedestrian accident attorney in Scottsdale immediately is important to ensure compliance with important filing criteria and deadlines.

What is the Statute of Limitations for a Pedestrian Accident Case in Scottsdale, Arizona?

Understanding the statute of limitations is important when bringing an injury claim in Arizona. This legal deadline determines the timeframe within which a case must be filed in court, and missing this deadline may result in losing the right to seek financial compensation. Generally, the statute of limitations in Arizona is two years from the date of the collision. However, some situations may change this timeframe. If a government entity is involved, the time limit is six months to file a notice of claim. For more information, contact a skilled injury attorney near you.

Contact a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Scottsdale, AZ

At Southwest Injury Law, our skilled legal team has successfully assisted many clients, securing maximum compensation on their behalf. We have the experience, knowledge, and resources necessary to prove the negligence that has caused harm to our clients and are committed to thoroughly pursuing all possible avenues to achieve the best result possible. Your injury deserves justice. Call our law office at (602) 777-3300 to start your case with our experienced Scottsdale pedestrian accident attorneys.

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If you have been hurt in a car accident, Southwest Injury Law is the best personal injury law firm in Nevada and Arizona. Get off the phone with insurance adjusters and focus on healing. Leave the legal work to Southwest Injury Law, your trusted Personal Injury Lawyers In Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, and surrounding areas.