Las Vegas Bicycle Accident Lawyers

Cycling crashes are a serious concern in many cities, including Las Vegas, where bicyclists face many risks while sharing the road with motor vehicles. These collisions may result in serious injuries, including head trauma, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and internal trauma. In some of the most extreme cases, fatalities may occur. In any case, an experienced lawyer can help hold negligent parties accountable for damages incurred.

Hiring a skilled Las Vegas bicycle accident attorney ensures your rights are protected and helps you seek maximum compensation after a cycling crash.

Where Do Most Bicycle Accidents Happen in Las Vegas?

In Las Vegas, most bike collisions occur in urban areas, particularly along major roads and busy intersections. High-traffic streets such as East Washington Avenue, North Eastern Avenue, and South Las Vegas Boulevard have seen a significant number of cycling crashes. Intersections are particularly dangerous, with the intersection of Decatur Boulevard and Sahara Avenue identified as one of the most dangerous, having reported 91 collisions in 2019.

Safety Tips for Cyclists

With limited protection from external elements, cyclists must take extra precautions to stay safe. Here are some important tips for bicyclists and those sharing the road:

  • Stay Prepared: Ensure your bike is in excellent condition before each ride. Address any maintenance issues, inflate tires properly, and regularly check your brakes to avoid accidents.
  • Follow Traffic Laws: Cyclists must follow the rules of the road, obey traffic signs and signals, and ride with the flow of traffic. These laws are in place to prevent crashes and to promote road safety.
  • Be Visible: Make your intentions clear to drivers by signaling movements and turns. Wear reflective or bright clothing to enhance visibility, especially in low-light or inclement weather conditions.

By practicing these safety tips, cyclists can reduce risks and enjoy a safer experience on the road in Las Vegas. As always, stay safe and share the road responsibly.

How Do Crashes Involving Cyclists and Vehicles Happen?

Bike crashes may occur in many ways, but certain situations are more common, such as:

  • Dooring: Opening car doors into bicycle lanes without checking for cyclists may result in serious crashes.
  • Unsafe Passing: Overtaking bicyclists too closely may force them off the road or lead to sideswipe accidents.
  • Blind Spots: Bicyclists may be struck by cars when motorists fail to check blind spots during turns or lane changes.
  • Stop Sign Crashes: Cycling crashes may often occur when drivers misjudge who has the right of way at intersections.
  • Failure to Yield: Drivers turning, merging, or entering traffic without yielding the right-of-way to bicyclists may often cause collisions.
  • Speeding: High speeds may reduce a driver’s reaction time, increasing the risk of crashes at intersections or while passing bicyclists.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure: Poorly maintained roads, insufficient bicycle lanes, or lack of street lighting may contribute to vehicle-bike accidents.

If you have been injured in a cycling crash, an experienced Las Vegas bicycle accident attorney can help. Reach our law office today by phone or fill out an online contact form for a free consultation.

Factors Contributing to Bicycle-Related Injuries

A 2023 study by Yeung et al. analyzed the medical records of 313 patients who sustained injuries from bicycle accidents at a Level 1 trauma center in Boston. The study focused on factors such as environmental conditions, road conditions, safety practices, and the nature of the crashes. The findings revealed that extremity injuries were the most common, accounting for 42 percent of cases, while head trauma followed at 13 percent. The study highlights the importance of road safety and proper protective gear to reduce the risk of serious injuries from cycling crashes.

What Damages Can Be Recovered in a Bicycle Accident Case?

After a vehicle-bike collision, an injured party may be entitled to recover economic and non-economic damages from the incident. These recoverable losses may include:

  • Medical Expenses: Costs for hospital bills, surgeries, medication, and rehabilitation.
  • Lost Wages: Compensation for income lost due to the inability to work after a cycling crash.
  • Pain and Suffering: Compensation for emotional distress, mental anguish, and physical pain.
  • Scarring and Disfigurement: Compensation for disfigurement, scarring, or long-term disabilities.
  • Future Medical Costs: Anticipated future medical bills for ongoing treatment, therapy, or surgical recommendations.
  • Property Damage: Costs to repair or replace the bike and any other damaged personal property, such as clothing and prescription glasses.

Hiring a knowledgeable Las Vegas bicycle accident lawyer is important, as they can help ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve by representing your best interests.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage for Hit-and-Run Accidents Involving Cyclists

Uninsured motorist (UM) coverage is an important coverage for cyclists involved in hit-and-run accidents, as it helps cover damages when the fleeing motorist cannot be identified or is later located but found to have no active liability insurance. With UM coverage, an injured cyclist may file a claim through their auto insurance policy to receive financial support. This may vary from case to case as some policies have limitations based on the contractual language.

In the event of a bicycle accident caused by a hit and run driver, it is important to contact the police to report the incident immediately. Provide as many details as possible about the hit and run and any information about the suspect vehicle, such as its make, model, or license plate number. If it is safe to do so, gather evidence at the scene, including photos of visible injuries, the damaged bike, and the surrounding area. If there are any witnesses, request their contact information.

Seek immediate medical treatment, even if injuries seem minor, as some serious injuries may not be apparent right away. A prompt medical evaluation can help identify any underlying injuries, prevent complications, and ensure that you start your recovery process as soon as possible. It also serves as evidence by documenting your injury, showing that it is directly related to the cycling crash and not due to another cause. For more details, contact an experienced bike injury lawyer.

Bike Collisions Involving Minor Children

Cycling crashes involving children are a serious concern, as young bike riders are particularly vulnerable to injury due to their smaller size and limited experience. Many bicycle accidents in Las Vegas occur near driveways, residential areas, intersections, or school zones. Drivers have a greater duty of care when children are present, requiring them to be extra cautious, slow down, and anticipate potential dangers to keep young bicyclists safe.  

When collisions do occur, the emotional and physical impact may be devastating for families. Seeking the assistance of an experienced Las Vegas bicycle accident attorney is important for holding negligent parties accountable. A lawyer can help a family by advocating for an injured child’s rights, ensuring they receive maximum compensation for medical expenses, therapy, and any long-term care needs resulting from a cycling-related injury.

Statute of Limitations for Injury Claims from Bike Collisions

The statute of limitations is the legal time frame within which a party must file a lawsuit after an incident, such as a bicycle accident. The case must be filed in civil court if a settlement has not yet been reached with the opposing party and the insurance company. In Nevada, the statute of limitations is two years for cases of personal injury. This means that if an injured bicyclist does not file their case within this period, they may lose the right to seek compensation.

In other instances, an injured party may be required to file a notice of claim within six months after a cycling crash if the incident involves a government agency. It is important to consult with an experienced bicycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas immediately if you are involved in a cycling crash to ensure you comply with the required timeline. To get started today, call our law office or submit an online contact form to schedule a free case review.

How Our Law Office Supports the Cycling Community

Attorney Luis Ayon, Esq. of Southwest Injury Law is an avid cyclist who is proud to be a sponsor of the Bicycle Haüs Racing Team. With deep knowledge of the risks cyclists face on the road, he is dedicated to advocating for injured bike riders. Our legal team assists clients with bicycle accident cases in Las Vegas and across Nevada. If you have been injured in a cycling crash, we are here to help. Let our law firm support you and your family during this difficult time.

Call an Experienced Las Vegas Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

At Southwest Injury Law, our legal team is committed to providing personalized support and exceptional representation to our clients. Contact our experienced Las Vegas bicycle accident attorneys to discuss your rights after a cycling crash and learn how we can help you obtain justice. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation by calling our law office at (702) 600-3200 or filling out an online contact form.

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