Cottonwood Car Accident Lawyers

Motor vehicle crashes in Cottonwood, Arizona, can happen in various ways, and they are frequently the result of another driver’s negligence. A negligent driver may have been texting, driving under the influence, speeding, or simply not paying attention. The motorist may have run a red light, changed lanes without checking, or failed to stop in time – leaving you with traumatic injuries.

You need an experienced attorney who will thoroughly examine the facts of your Cottonwood, Arizona car accident to build a strong and successful case.

What Steps Can You Take for Recovery After a Crash?

Traffic collisions are uncommon occurrences, so many people are unsure of how to proceed when one happens. Follow these steps to protect yourself in the event of a car wreck:

  • Major Crashes: If the car wreck happens at an intersection, is severe, or causes your vehicle to become disabled, it is important to leave the vehicles in their current positions. This allows the police to arrive at the crash site, investigate, and create a traffic accident report. In Cottonwood, different law enforcement agencies handle collisions based on jurisdiction. For instance, if the crash occurs on the freeway, the Arizona Department of Public Safety is likely to respond.
  • Accidents on Private Property: If you contact law enforcement and are informed that they will not respond to the scene for an investigation since the crash occurred on private property, such as a parking lot for a shopping center, you should take action to document the situation yourself. Make sure to photograph the scene and the positions of all vehicles from various angles before moving your car (if it is still operational) or before having it towed.
  • Check for Injuries: Check with all parties involved to determine if anyone is injured. Avoid moving anyone who is unconscious or reports pain, as this may worsen their injuries. If necessary, call for paramedics or an ambulance to provide medical assistance. Be sure to schedule an appointment with your primary care provider immediately if you did not go to the hospital or urgent care after the car wreck.
  • Exchange Information: After ensuring that everyone is safe, exchange the necessary details, such as names, addresses, driver’s license numbers, and insurance information. If the other driver fled the scene, provide the police with details you have gathered, including descriptions of the fleeing vehicle and driver, if available. An official police report will serve as important evidence for a personal injury claim arising from a hit-and-run collision.
  • Collect Evidence: Once contact and insurance information has been exchanged, evaluate the damage to all vehicles involved in the accident. Be sure to take photographs of each vehicle involved for documentation purposes. If you or your passengers have visible injuries, take pictures of those as well. If there are any witnesses to the accident, ask for their contact information. Your attorney will need a notarized statement from the eyewitness for your injury case.
  • Seek Treatment: It is common not to feel pain immediately after a motor vehicle collision, as adrenaline may mask symptoms. If you do feel pain, it is important to seek immediate treatment to document your injuries and the car wreck. As always, follow recommendations from the medical provider and do not skip treatments. The insurer may use gaps in treatment to dispute the value of your injury claim or deny your case.
  • Do Not Post on Social Media: Avoid posting on social media until your case has settled. This includes posts about your daily activities, injuries, recovery, and about the motor vehicle crash. Many people believe that avoiding social media posts specifically about the car wreck or injuries is sufficient. However, insurance adjusters and defense attorneys will review your social media activity, including posts about your daily life, to devalue or deny your Cottonwood accident case.
  • Consult with an Attorney: Insurance companies employ skilled adjusters whose goal is to minimize the compensation you receive for your injuries and damages. They also retain defense counsel to protect their interests. You can protect yourself by hiring a knowledgeable attorney for your Cottonwood car accident case. The right injury lawyer will ensure you receive the appropriate treatment and seek the maximum compensation you deserve.

What Happens if a Negligent Driver Has Insufficient or No Coverage?

Drivers have the option to purchase higher liability coverage limits to protect their assets from personal injury claims. However, many choose to minimize their expenses by only carrying the state minimum required coverage. In Arizona, the mandatory property damage coverage is currently set at $15,000. Drivers are required to have $25,000 in bodily injury liability for one person, which increases to $50,000 if two or more people are injured in the same crash. These coverage limits are relatively low, meaning that even a minor collision could result in significant out-of-pocket and uncovered costs.

Inadequate coverage is a common problem in motor vehicle collision cases. However, there are several ways to handle it if you are injured by a driver with little or no liability insurance. Your auto insurance policy may offer protection if you have collision coverage, uninsured/underinsured motorist protection, and medical payments coverage (MedPay). Collision coverage typically pays for vehicle repairs or replacement after a crash, which includes a deductible. MedPay covers the costs of treatment for injuries related to a car wreck up to the policy’s limits.

Uninsured motorist protection may pay for damages if the at-fault party did not have coverage, or the incident involved a hit-and-run driver. In the latter situation, there must be evidence proving that injuries occurred directly from a hit-and-run. Underinsured motorist coverage may help cover the shortfall between the negligent driver’s policy and your actual losses. Understanding how auto insurance works can help you make informed decisions after a traffic collision. For more details, contact an experienced auto accident attorney in Cottonwood, Arizona.

Understanding the Statute of Limitations for Arizona Accident Cases

All states have a deadline for filing lawsuits. This deadline is referred to as the statute of limitations. In Arizona, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit in civil court if you have been injured. This applies if you were injured in a motor vehicle crash in Cottonwood or another type of accident in Yavapai County or elsewhere in Arizona. If you do not settle the claim with the insurance company or file a case within this two-year period, you may lose the right to compensation.

Exceptions to the two-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Arizona include cases involving government or public entities, such as state agencies, cities, and counties. In these matters, the deadline is subject to different rules. A notice of claim must be filed within 180 days and with the appropriate government entity. For these complex matters, it is important to consult with an experienced injury attorney to understand the specific legal requirements and deadlines that may affect your case. Give our law office a call or message us online for a free consultation.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Cottonwood, AZ

If you were injured and wish to speak with a Cottonwood auto accident attorney about your rights, please call (602) 777-3300 for a free consultation. At Southwest Injury Law, we represent clients all throughout Arizona and Yavapai County. Since we operate on a contingency fee basis, you will not have to pay anything upfront for your case. We will only receive payment if we successfully recover compensation for your case.

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If you have been hurt in a car accident, Southwest Injury Law is the best personal injury law firm in Nevada and Arizona. Get off the phone with insurance adjusters and focus on healing. Leave the legal work to Southwest Injury Law, your trusted Personal Injury Lawyers In Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, and surrounding areas.