Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyers

Our legal team at Southwest Injury Law represents people involved in motor vehicle collisions in Las Vegas and throughout Nevada. We make it our goal to seek maximum compensation for our clients. With the assistance of our experienced auto accident attorneys, injured parties can obtain the financial recovery they need and deserve. Let us guide you through the process and help you rebuild your life after a traumatic car wreck. Contact us today for a free case evaluation at our Las Vegas office.

What is the Value of an Injury Claim for an Accident?

If you suffered injuries in a traffic collision in Las Vegas or elsewhere in Nevada, you may be wondering what your claim is worth. The value of a claim will depend on various factors, including the negligence of each party, severity of accident-related injuries, cost of medical treatment, amount of insurance the other party has, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage limits available, and more.

Here are some things your Las Vegas auto accident attorney will consider when determining the value of your bodily injury claim:

  • Medical Bills: Your lawyer will look at the medical expenses you have already paid and consult with experts and medical professionals to estimate the cost and value of future medical care you may have to face due to the motor vehicle crash. A successful claim must establish that the treatment was reasonable and necessary for injuries related to the incident.
  • Rehabilitation Expenses: Quality rehabilitation services may lead to favorable outcomes for individuals injured in traffic collisions. However, insurers may not always cover rehabilitation expenses. An experienced auto accident attorney serving Las Vegas can determine the costs of reasonable and necessary rehabilitation services and help you seek maximum compensation.
  • Lost Wages: If you have had to miss time from work, you may be entitled to seek damages for any part of your paycheck you missed out on due to calling into work because of the accident. Your attorney can work with their team of experts to estimate the value of future wage loss to help you obtain the best possible result in your accident case.
  • Pain and Suffering: A person who is injured in an accident may experience difficulty in engaging in activities they once enjoyed, or their life may be diminished by pain. An experienced attorney can estimate the value of pain and suffering damages. The more serious and life-altering the injury, the more you should be entitled to collect in pain and suffering damages.
  • Negligence: A skilled auto accident attorney will need to examine the role of the negligence of each party in the crash. To recover damages for an accident, it must be shown that the other side was at least 51% at fault or more for the incident, according to Nevada's 50 Percent Rule. An attorney can review police reports, speak to witnesses, consult with experts, and review the facts of the case to determine the role of each party in the traffic collision.

If you have suffered injuries in a traffic collision because of another party's reckless or careless actions behind the wheel, you may have grounds for a claim for damages. Southwest Injury Law has experienced car accident attorneys serving Las Vegas and throughout Nevada who can help you navigate the legal process. Let our legal team handle your case from start to finish so your sole focus can be on recovery and being with your family.

What Auto Insurance Coverage Should I Have in Las Vegas?

Understanding auto insurance coverage and additional options is important for any driver in Las Vegas. It is recommended for motorists to carry the following insurance add-ons:

  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Also referred to as UM/UIM, this protection steps in when an at-fault party causes an accident and has insufficient or no liability insurance. UM/UIM protection provides a safety net, covering medical bills, wage loss, and other related losses up to the limits of the policy. Our law office recommends that Vegas area drivers should have carry at least $100,000/$300,000 of this protection.
  • Medical Payments Coverage: MedPay can help cover medical bills for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle collision for the driver and passengers involved in the incident. Medical payments coverage is helpful in that it provides coverage regardless of fault for a car wreck. It generally covers hospital stays, imaging, surgery, primary care provider visits, and other treatment.

Can You Recover Punitive Damages in an Auto Accident Case?

Under NRS 42.005, punitive damages may be sought from a negligent motorist as a way of punishing them for their egregious conduct that led to the incident causing bodily harm. Examples include:

  • Excessive speeding
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI)

Unlike economic and non-economic damages, punitive damages exist to serve as a punishment for the at-fault party instead of compensating the claimant for their losses.

How Can a Las Vegas Auto Accident Attorney Assist You?

After being involved in a motor vehicle collision, having legal counsel on your side is essential to ensure that you have the support you need during this difficult time. The right Las Vegas car accident lawyer will have years of experience handling cases like yours and obtaining the maximum compensation clients deserve. An attorney can assist you in these ways:

  • Guidance and Support: An experienced lawyer will ensure that you understand the legal options available to you and advise you on costly mistakes to avoid in your case.
  • Evidence Collection: The right attorney will know how to collect the evidence necessary in support of a personal injury case for a traffic collision.
  • Insurance Negotiation: Negotiating with insurers may be challenging and requires experience and skill. Your attorney will collect sufficient evidence to support your accident case.
  • Representation: Having an experienced lawyer is crucial for ensuring you receive a favorable case result in insurance negotiations or court proceedings.
  • Maximize Compensation: Without a skilled lawyer on your side, you may be risking the financial recovery you rightfully deserve.

Entrust Your Vegas Accident Case to Southwest Injury Law

If you or a loved one was involved in a motor vehicle collision in Clark County or somewhere else in Nevada, you may be wondering what your next steps might be. Southwest Injury Law has experienced and skilled car accident lawyers in Las Vegas who work diligently to help injured parties seek justice and full financial recovery. Call our Vegas office at (702) 600-3200. Our legal team will work tirelessly to help you rebuild your life after your accident and recover the maximum compensation you deserve.

Get a Free Consultation

If you have been hurt in a car accident, Southwest Injury Law is the best personal injury law firm in Nevada and Arizona. Get off the phone with insurance adjusters and focus on healing. Leave the legal work to Southwest Injury Law, your trusted Personal Injury Lawyers In Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, and surrounding areas.