March 7, 2024

Nevada Injury Lawyers and Accident Attorneys

NV personal injury lawyers at Southwest Injury Law Firm are client-focused and experienced with remedies for victims who have suffered bodily injury.

Nevada Injury Lawyers and Accident Attorneys

Southwest Injury Law Firm can assist

NV personal injury lawyers at Southwest Injury Law Firm are client-focused and experienced with remedies for victims who have suffered bodily injury, and emotional detriment caused by another person, or entity that owed them a duty of care.  Legal action can be initiated on a contingency basis to recover compensation for losses resulting from an accident.  In most cases, negligence, gross negligence, reckless conduct, or intentional misconduct will need to be proven in direct response to the type of damage and loss claim, including wrongful death.

Causes Of Personal Injury In Nevada.

Personal injury can be caused by medical malpractice; motor vehicle accidents; a work-related  on-the-job accident, or illness; complications related to defective product use; and reckless intentional acts.  NV Injury lawyers who understand Nevada’s personal injury laws are instrumental in successful legal action in pursuit of economic, and non-economic damages. Punitive damages may also be awarded in specific cases.

The most common cause of accidents in Nevada is distracted driving, sometimes resulting in catastrophic damages for victims, including long term physical, emotional and financial harms. Nevada instituted laws against hand-held communication devices to address part of distracted driving casualty.  Legal professionals can represent the interests of accident victims toward financial recovery by building a strong case, introducing evidence to prove fault. The worst of personal injury is a wrongful death caused by negligence.

Losing a loved one to an accident in Nevada is unimaginable and very often the focus of large financial awards in court, but surviving an accident with catastrophic physical, mental, and emotional injury, and subsequent property damage can cause lingering financial devastation to individuals of injury as well as surviving family members in the case of wrongful death.  A wrongful death lawyer in NV can work to reduce financial devastation through comprehensive insurance settlements, or successful court awards.

Medical Malpractice.

Nevada defines medical malpractice as “the failure of a physician, hospital, or employee of a hospital, in rendering services, to use the reasonable care, skill, or knowledge ordinarily used under similar circumstances” (NRS 41A.009).  In Nevada, a victim of malpractice has three years to initiate a lawsuit from the date of the injury, or knowledge of the injury, but there may be exceptions in some cases, so it is important to speak with a NV medical malpractice attorney to discuss damage recovery options.  Punitive damages may be awarded under Nevada law, only if it is found that the injury complained of was maliciously intended, or was the result of willful, or wanton misconduct by a health care provider.  Non-economic damages are capped at $350,000.

Car Accidents in Arizona.

Nevada law affords motor vehicle accident victims the right to pursue compensation from insurance within the two year statof limitations.  A Nevada accident attorney can offer special guidance if the encounter involved a government agency, because tort action toward compensation may follow different timelines with specific instructions in those cases.  When negligent acts, such as drunken driving, reckless driving, or distracted driving caused the accident, additional criminal charges may be filed by the state.

If damages exceed maximum insurance coverage amounts on the at-fault driver’s insurance policy, especially in cases of catastrophic losses, victims may benefit from a consultation with a qualified accident attorney in NV to seek alternate avenues for monetary recovery. Under Nevada’s “modified comparative fault” system, injured parties can receive compensation if they are 50%, or less responsible for the accident, also known as the 51%  rule.  A claim must be filed within two years from the date of the accident in most cases, but guidance from a Nevada lawyer is recommended when timeline deviations are supported by case facts.

Personal injury, premises liability, and workers’ compensation.

Under Nevada Revised StatChapter 11, an accident victim in NV has two years to file a case against injury, loss, or damages as a result of the action, or inaction of another, in order to recover compensation when fault and/or liability can be proven, and victims were owed a duty of care.  Individuals who have been hurt on another person’s property may have a premises liability claim, if the loss was related to poor conditions on the property, improper maintenance, and upkeep of the property, including negative interactions with occupants on the premises. NV Personal injury attorneys can communicate with the Nevada Department of Business and Industry regarding job-related work injuries, or illnesses suffered by clients. They can assist in the completion of a worker’s compensation claim for monetary damages.

Hire an attorney in Nevada.

Nevada accident victims should schedule a free consultation with Southwest Injury Law attorneys who can provide options to loss recovery.  Counsel will be able to represent victims in court, objectively speak for them against an insurance company’s legal team and build a strong case toward a fair monetary award to cover economic, non-economic and punitive damages.

If you have been hurt or injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, our experienced Nevada injury lawyers are ready to help you. Call our offices today for a FREE CONSULTATION.

Southwest Injury Lawyers

8716 Spanish Ridge Ave #120,

Las Vegas, NV 89148

Phone: 702-600-3200


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If you have been hurt in a car accident, Southwest Injury Law is the best personal injury law firm in Nevada and Arizona. Get off the phone with insurance adjusters and focus on healing. Leave the legal work to Southwest Injury Law, your trusted Personal Injury Lawyers In Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix, AZ, and surrounding areas.